The AX51 emulator is very similar to the MX51 with added features and extended capabilities at a moderate cost increase. The AX51 adds Code Coverage and Performance Analysis to the MX51 feature list. Memory protection (for banked applications) is extended to 1 Mbyte. The Real Timer is implemented in hardware as it is in the MX51 and with the same 250 ns resolution. All other MX51 features are implemented on the AX51 as standard features.
The AX51 uses the same HiTOP for Windows user interface as all other Hitex products. HiTOP supports all major compiler vendors such as Archimedes, BSO/Tasking, Franklin, IAR and of course, Keil. HiTOP is a debugger optimized for using sophisticated emulation features as found in Hitex hardware.
Code Coverage is used to verify if certain code segments were executed during the emulation and is useful to find dead code. The AX51 can cover 256K of code at one time.
The Performance Analysis feature allows statistical analysis of your application code. A typical example is to examine how often a code¦s execution time fell between certain time limits or to measure the length of an interrupt latency period.
The triggers used on both the MX51 and AX51 can occur on any type of memory access or by external events supplied by an optional logic probe. They can be used to stop the emulation, start/stop the real-time clock or trace function recording. Triggers can be sequenced with Boolean operators. Triggers can be combined with breakpoints by using a Condition Program. This Condition Program can check register variables as well as local and global variables for certain values.
The AX51 uses the same small probes as the MX51 for added flexibility and upgradeability. Each probe is designed to emulate as many Intel 8051 variants as possible reducing the cost as new products are introduced.